Jaguatirica (Ocelot)
This is a special picture! It was given to me by Alan and Ruth. They are wonderful people! They have given up their jobs and are dedicating a whole year to travelling around the world to set a new world record by seeing more birds in a single year than ever achieved before.
The current world record for species recorded in a calendar year stands at 3,662.
Until now they saw 2,400 different spicies and i really hope that they break the record because they are working really hard to do it! Their site is amazing:
So I would like to say thanks to you, Alan and Ruth! Not only for the picture, but also for the great friendship! You guys are awesome! I am your fan! Don't forget to tell me about your book! I want to read it!
Essa é uma foto muito especial! Ela foi cedida pela Ruth e pelo Alan, pessoas incríveis! Os dois saíram do emprego, venderam a casa e resolveram viajar pelo Mundo para bater o recorde de aves avistadas em um ano! O site deles é incrível:Hoje o recorde é de 3662 e até agora eles viram 2400! Com certeza vão bater o recorde! Eu estou torcendo muito por eles porque eles merecem!
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